Reading Digest #1

Discover literary gems in our 'Reading Digest' series. Curated insights and captivating reads to spark your curiosity and enrich your mind.

Reading Digest #1

I'm starting a new series on the blog called 'Reading Digest.' I'll be sharing interesting articles, books, and other reads that have caught my attention lately. Nothing fancy, just stuff I've enjoyed and thought you might too.

This is the first one. Hope you find something useful!

1 - 22 Lessons on Life, Love and Choosing What Matters Most by Michael Thompson

22 Lessons on Life, Love, and Choosing What Matters Most - Michael Thompson
“Most people spend the first half of their lives collecting and the second half choosing what to keep. Now that you’re closing in on the top of the hill, which lessons learned and pieces of advice do you plan to always carry with you?” A friend asked me this question on my 38th birthday. At […]

2 - What Doesn't Hurt Today...

Translation by ChatGPT

Sometimes, in the most unexpected moments—perhaps at the breakfast table or on your way to work—you suddenly get overwhelmed by a negative emotion. This might be due to a memory you’d rather forget or some form of unease. Naturally, you try to distract yourself by focusing on something else. You grab your phone, listen to a song, or simply look around. But wait! What if this escape turns into a bigger pain tomorrow?