II - Daring to Change

Explore personal growth through mindful change. Learn from past experiences and focus on nutrition, physical health, mental wellbeing, and continuous learning.

II - Daring to Change

I once wrote a blog post titled "Daring to build everything anew," fueled by a strong belief that I would do just that. Today, I reflect on that ambition and realize that while many things have remained unchanged, I've learned valuable lessons about change—particularly what doesn't change and what approaches to change are ineffective.

I've always prided myself on being open-minded, welcoming new ideas, people, stories, and experiences. However, I've come to an important realization: attempting to go backwards or trying to change and fix the past doesn't work. In fact, it often leads to worse outcomes.

I've amassed a wealth of resources—images, documents, books, audio recordings, and stories. However, I've realized that ultimately, decisions must be made by ourselves. These resources can be helpful guides along our journey, but they're not the journey itself. If we merely stop and think, nothing changes; we become lost in our thoughts. It's through our actions that we shape our future.

Don’t forget, you are not building everything from scratch, your past is an unbelievable lesson to rebuild a new mindset. So, this time, instead of starting with big targets, simply focusing on what should be changed is the correct start. And I think, you have to hit below areas.

Remember, you're not building everything from scratch; your past is an invaluable lesson in rebuilding your mindset. This time, instead of setting ambitious targets, focus simply on what needs to change. I believe the following areas are crucial to address:

  1. Nutrition
    • Adopt a gluten-free diet rich in protein and vegetables
    • Reduce intake of sugar, wheat, and dairy
    • Prioritize hydration
  2. Physical Health
    • Begin with regular walking
    • Incorporate gym workouts into your routine
  3. Mental Wellbeing
    • Practice 10 minutes of daily meditation
    • Dedicate time to reading
  4. Learning
    • Commit to learning new things to stimulate your brain
    • Focus on new technologies and business approaches
    • Prioritize learning that's relevant to your career

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